Mission Statement:

“You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong.” – Sue Fitzmaurice.

The mission of the Mountain Man Chronicles is to encourage individuals to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, embrace the unknown, and encourage others to do their best and explore life. I believe in enjoying the journey, appreciating the surroundings and not worrying about every little thing, approaching every adventure with child-like curiosity and exploring new opportunities with open minds and hearts to the experience ahead.

Pillars for Mountain Man Chronicles

  • Be comfortable with the uncomfortable:

    A wise man once said you have nothing to fear but fear itself.  The unknown can be scary. Embrace the unknown prepare the best you can and simply get out there. 

  • Enjoy the journey: Take time to smell the roses. 

    Enjoy the trip, and take time to embrace your surroundings.  You do not have to have every little thing. Simply enjoy the journey. 

  • Learn:

    Have childlike curiosity in every adventure.

  • Explore: 

    Embrace the adventure and open your horizons.